Saturday, June 25, 2011

Days Like These....

So all and all my boys are delightful!! Full of energy yes...but also a blast!! That being said the last 2 days I could have done with out!! I think we'll start with our trip to Wal-mart to buy wasp spray. We had several wasps working on a nest on our front porch. The boys had heard me talking about them constantly! I'd tell them to be careful when ever they played outside, I'd make them to run from the house  to the car so the wasps wouldn't sting them, and probably made a way bigger deal of the situation than necessary (did I tell you I have an irrational fear of bugs?)! So my boys knew we had an issue!! We are walking into the store and I ask the nice greeter if he knows what isle bug spray is on...before he could answer Von chimes in, "cuz we have A LOT of bugs in our house!" It was one of those situations you wish you could say..."just wasps, not bugs, just wasps...and outside..not in!" but then you know you would look like a bigger dork trying to explain it you just thank the stranger for his help as you slink away!

Then check out!!! We are at the register and there is a sweet middle-eastern girl standing behind us. Von does not know the definition of a whisper and his little voice carries!  especially when he's about to humiliate me :), he yells out, "MOM!! WHY IS SHE WEARING THAT SILLY HAT?" Being caught totally off guard I ignored him hoping nobody heard, so of course he repeats louder to make sure I don't miss it this time, "MOM!! WHY IS SHE WEARING THAT SILLY HAT?" I am dying and couldn't pay fast enough!! As we walked out he got a stern explanation about how that "hat" isn't silly, it's very important to her and it represents her religion, and we are respectful to other people's beliefs etc. etc.....but of course the girl heard none of that...just the loud questioning of her attire! Sorry Miss! If I were better on my feet in awkward situations i would have apologized on the spot! But at the time all i could think to do was get out! get out NOW!!


So lets end the night with this lovely event! We are  at a concert in a local park and i take Von to the bathroom. The line is out the door and probably a dozen people in the bathroom itself. My son comes in with me then as i am going the bathroom yells out..."MOM YOU DON"T HAVE A PENIS!!" Thank you Von for the update...and letting everyone else know that i picked the correct bathroom line!

Then finally today....Von who is COMPLETELY potty trained is sitting naked on my couch  saying he wet himself! I'm totally confused by this cuz he has not had an accident in over a yr....including i ask him what happened? He says completely mater of factly, "I peed on the couch cuz i don't like the new one! It's yucky and i want the old one back!" Yep totally intentionally he peed on our brand new couch!!

Luckily for my little chickadee he has the ability to easily get back in my good graces!! If nothing else (contrary to this post) he's a charmer! So a few apologies, and heart felt "mom you're my best friend!" and maybe and couple "mommy, you're beautiful!"  and the child will not be spending eternity in time out! but I am seriously hoping for a better Von day tomorrow!!

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