Wednesday, August 28, 2013

The Middled

So you know the show "The Middle?" I'm a little fuzzy on all the details.....but the episode went something like this. Frankie can't go to a school meeting. She makes her husband go in her place.  She then gives him strict instructions about having to sit on the front row so he can be the first one to the sign up sheets.  She said he HAD to in order to get her on one of the better committees, instead of something like cleaning committee . She also insists that he uses a ball point pen, not pencil. She says if he writes in pencil the other moms would erase her name and take her spot. I watched the episode and thought it was funny.....but I remember thinking who would erase somebody's name? How tacky!!  If they got  to the sign up sheet before you they deserve to have first choice.   It's common decency, right? Well...... last year I go to my son's preschool open house. When we walk in we are instructed to sign up for 2 snack days and a holiday party. I got there early enough that the sign up sheet was mostly empty. This allowed me the luxury of putting  some real thought into the whole thing. If I sign up for snack right after a pay day I won't be nickel and diming it when it comes to my turn. Maybe I'm the only one in the world who thinks this way, but I want to bring the good snacks! I don't want to be the mom who phones it in. You know....the  one who brings $1 cookies from dollar store because she's  already blown her food budget for the month. If you have never been there I want you to teach me a thing or two about budgeting :)! Anyway,  I find my perfect days and pick the Halloween party for my party. I do realize that decision is slightly risky since they do have my application on file at the Baptist school. And it does ask my religion and it does say "Mormon." Now please understand....I don't know where this started, but  In religious mythology it is said that  the Baptists do not think Mormons are Christian. You hear whisperings on the street.....and these voices are constantly in the back of my head. I mean, I am a Christian, and I have yet to have a Baptist run up to me on the street and question this...or tell me that I am going to Hell....but you do worry. What if one faulty sign up decision alters the entire school's view of  my sweet child? Oh the pressure!! After much debate I decide it's their school having a party on  the pagan holiday, so I go for it. Halloween it is.... over say Easter.  I know the fun that can be had at a Halloween party. It's a pinterest lovers dream! Oh and's a pay day!! My selection process is complete. I sign the sheets  and  jot down my days on my welcome folder. Not wanting to be the mom that forgets snack day I take a moment to put the dates in my phone as well. I am set!!

A few months later I get a phone call. It's Micah's teacher informing me that I never signed up for snacks so she put me down for the upcoming week. No, it wasn't the day after a pay day, and it was a week after Christmas (talk about blown budget!) But that wasn't the part that mattered. I was "The Middled!" Somebody erased my name and took my awesome days! Yes, it was indeed written in pencil! But those were my days!!  I got there first!!! I couldn't believe it!! Who does that? Now, not only do I have to race to the store to have decent snacks for the next day, but I also look like the flakey mom who tried to slink by with out signing up! Nice!

So moral of the story is this. We just got back from this years open house. Once again  I chose my days carefully!   But this time I am wiser. I am a follower of  Frankie's sound advice!  I sign up in INK!! Crazy parent is gonna have to use white out to take my place this go around! And as for the class party? This year they pre-assigned them. What did they give the Mormon girl who picked Halloween as her party of Choice? Easter. Well played Baptist school! Well played!!

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